The 5 week course "Design for the user" is made by Snowfire and is part of the first ever Frontend Developer Education at Hyper Island.
Lot of emotions on the first week of five at "Design for the user" Hyper Island. We explored the intersection between design & code and listened very carefully to each other using the Snowfire NUF method, when diving deep into our own passions. David Herron showed the class how to Make an image responsive with code. Ditte Hammarström and Emil Sundberg, Snowfire held a seminar: Designing for Humans.
Andrea Helmbolt from Figma HQ showed us via Live stream from San Fransisco, how their team structured their newest website with Flegos. Emil Sundberg taught us how to code & structure these Figma blocks to be Snowfire ready with Tailwind CSS and Farouk Mechedal from Babyshop group made us aware of all the bias when designing.
Front End Architect Yuliya Demchenko, from H&M showed us the constraints and the dependencies to think about when designing systems. With Daan van der Zwaag we got hands on insights and iterated what we learnt. Didier Chincholler and his UX team from Ericsson ended the week with showing us some tricks when you master a giant Design System to be used in many countries. And as Didiers said, - Good design means good business. I do agree - we all buy with our eyes. Design is key.
Did we just experience the Klarna Shopping Experience, not yet launched in Sweden? Gohar Avagyan from Klarna kindly walked us through what a designer consider when working for a digital product. Building relationships - Instant interaction - Seamless experience - Discover & engage.
We all put our "heads down" and got things done. This week we delivered to our external clients (Swedish Red Cross, MethodKit, Sniph and more) and as icing on the cake we got
Jonas Brögger from Growth Tribe Academy closing the quest of "understanding the user" telling us all about Data driven teams and decisions in the landscape of tomorrow with The T-shaped marketer. Five intense and amazing weeks of design exploring is over. We will miss the students immensely.
Course manager from Hyper Island:
Patrik Forsberg