Snowfire community

Follow the progress of Snowfire and our design community directly through our blogs and be there when things heat up.

Röstbolaget's 10 years with a website on Snowfire The musician and voice teacher Ulrika Zettersten has had websites hosted on Snowfire for more than 10 years. About a year ago, she decided to enlist the help of Caisa Nyman from Ella Production to upgrade from Snowfire Classic to Snowfire Magnet, the new platform launched in 2021.Why does Ulrika choose Snowfire? And what does Caisa do? Here are the stories of Ulrika and Caisa. Selected Community
Snowfire, the web designers' secret Many of you are reaching out and are eager to join our community. This post is written for those of you who are curious about what we do differently and are designers, marketers, or SEO experts running your own company.Over time, we have collected the questions you most frequently ask. Below are the answers. We build freedom - join us! Community Growth
The winners of Snowfire Awards 2023 Meet the brothers who early on understood the potential of dropshipping a niche quality product on the web. With an updated brand and website, they are now advancing the frontline. Community
The winner of Snowfire Awards 2022 "It's the same feeling on the website as what we deliver on-site," Oskar Jirdell, owner of Renew Sweden. Community
How to grow and maintain a Community Step into the dynamic everyday life of Ulrica Gellerstedt Witsch, the Communications Manager at SISP, Sweden's incubators and Science Parks association. With a network that stretches across 65 members, 5,000 companies, and around 72,000 employees, Ulrica's role is integral to this vast community Community
Support – the secret gold when building a digital product I often get the question “But why are you, an executive, working in support? Don’t you have anyone else to put there?” This post is a reply to all of you who are wondering what happens when product owners meet users directly in a support situation. Community
3 keys to converting website traffic Did you know that the average visitor only stays for about 4-8 seconds before clicking away? Have you ever given thought as to what determines if they stay or go?  Growth Community
Svedea's new motorcycle app warns for gravel The Swedish insurance company Svedea has developed a web app for mobile where cyclists can see which road sections in Sweden have gravel and tip other riders by entering time, date and a message directly in Google maps. The app is built with Snowfire technology. Community
6 week course: Design for the user for Front end developers at Hyper Island 2020/21 A huge thanks to all you amazing 14 Industry Leaders that so wholeheartedly gave the Hyper Island students your precious time, shaping this years Frontend developer talents with real life experience and the latest from the Industry. The course "Design for the user" and six intense weeks of hands on UI/UX are completed. Community Growth
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